Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th June 2024


  1. This is going on to far. Enough Already.

  2. Alan has an alter..."Martin"!!! Alan and Martin are not brothers, they are one personπŸ˜―πŸ˜―πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”... Tucker to the rescue πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻... interesting episode... thank you Bob ❣️❤️πŸ₯°

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. With Traci being with them in the appartment unless . He takes her out before Traci gets back with the cofee I think Traci will be the one. If not then Tucker .

    3. Ariel that would niot explain the noise Alan went to investigate, nor would it explain the jacket missing or the shirt buttons undone. I'm still voting twin.

    4. Everything I have seen so far states a twin. but atm Im not sure

    5. I'm on the fence now, but starting to think the writers would be fuckin stupid enough to make someone with DID therapist have it as well.

  3. I just saw a spoiler say that was Alans brother kidnapped Ashley and Tucker will save her . So what did Martin do with Alan if thats the case.

    1. I'm starting to lean towards DID for Dr. Alan. Just happens to be out of town when Martin meats with Ashley, cannot track down Martin, Martin the complete opposite alen.

    2. @Isabella If you saw that on Youtube I would take it with a grain of salt. Most stuff on youtube is made up speculation by fans. They are not true spoilers. As for what Martin did with Alan we don't know that yet. I would guess he is knocked out or tied up somewhere in his apartment.

    3. At this point we don't know if it is a twin or Alan has DID as well.

  4. So, Alan went into the bedroom and Martin was there and he knocked Alan out and put Alan's clothes on and then came out into the living room and pretended to be Alan? Is that what we're supposed to believe?

    1. Oh, I see he came out of the bedroom without his sweater and jacket, just the shirt that was under the sweater.

    2. PMH, That's what I was thinking except if Martin knocked Alan out wouldn't there have been some noise of a commotion?
      I also don't know how Tucker can save Ashley since he probably doesn't know where Alan lives.

    3. Betty - Idk how either . I hope maybe Traci does. She comes out from making coffee and maybe poors the hot coffee over Martin. . For Tucker to save Ashley im clueless on that part . I have just seen spoilers leading to it.

    4. @Betty Not if Martin used chloroform on Alan.

  5. Thank you Bob! I was hoping the home time that Nikki and Nick would come on because they were in the opening. I think they have done this Ashley storyline too long

  6. That was a very good episode. A nice break from the Jordan, Claire, Chancellor-Winters, Victor stuff. I'm glad they finally told the truth as to what happened to Ashley and are progressing with the this storyline. I'm wondering if it is actually Alan with DID or if it really is Martin. Besides, wouldn't have Alan told Ashley he had a twin brother since they're good friends?

    1. Alan had been in the appartment with Traci and Ashley the entire time when the noise happened, thats when the switch happened. Martin came in . Rumor is Martin did something to Alan and Traci finds Alan.

  7. Either Martin and Alex r one person or Martin knock his bro up and took his clothes. But he for got the jacket when he showed up n the livingroom again. Mayb the alter just took it off. Either way it's a interesting episode.

  8. It was pointed out that Alan has a mark on his hand the brother does not . Are we ready to see what happened :D

  9. Isabella,
    Thanks. I have to look for it.

  10. Hello! Can I have Re-upload on this one please πŸ™ thank you

  11. Hello! Would it be possible for a Re-upload for the month of June? I'm missing june 6 to June 28, would love to watch them please, thank you πŸ™
