Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-26-24 Full episode Y&R 26th June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-26-24 Full episode Y&R 26th June 2024


  1. I bet Chance is somewhere having fun lol

    1. Ge sitting with billy so it's anything but fun. Personally if it were real life I'd rather have a root canal without anesthetic before spending any time with Billy.

  2. Replies
    1. Yea nice seeing the upbeat scenes with him.

    2. For some reason that doctor gives me a creepy feeling. I think that the hospital is scamming them because of the Newman's deep pockets, I really feel for Connor and his parents, to be up in the clouds one minute, then to be brutally shot down. I think that Connor will be just fine if he got away from that facility and go home with his parents..

  3. They need to end the ocd story line . Connor wants family back He said so so end it.

    1. Yea it's starting to look like maybe Connor is playing a long game.

    2. OCD is real and I am behind the storyline for educational purposes. Y&R is to be applauded to always including real life health situations from alcoholism, bipolar, cancer, alzheimers, multipersonality d/o, mental illness, heart, ocd and drug addiction. Oh, would Audra's addiction with multiple partners fall in that category, as well? There's a name for that too. I am sure there are more, but I just can't think of it. Although Y&R is trying to create awareness, there needs to be a solution or hope, encourage and healing shown at one point and not so much despair. Could it be possible that since Conner is seeing his mom and dad together, this is his way of trying to keep the doctors fooled because he wants his family back at any cost? I welcome your thoughts (Everyone).

    3. It was all for mental heath awareness month but the month has past. Its time to move on from all the . Draging these storylines out people loss interest. They brought Nikki back to soon (in real world she would of been gone for longer. ) Claire came back soon. Ashley they drug that story line for 2 or 3 months , ( Yet the person supposively did it Martin was only shown once.) Now all of a sudden Sharon is on new meds what for because she needs a story line. They could of done something completely different with Sharon instead of her going through manic stages again. The Connor story line has been going on for 2 or 3 months as well. Its been shown Connor wants His parents back. ( real world a parent would be able to see their kid ). They have it so no one can see Him. ( You cant keep a child away from a parent like they are doing ) . Connor was happy to see Chelesea and Adam today then the doctor calls few seconds later after he leaves come on now . Just my opionon on it but they drag the story lines out way to long.

    4. Granny your panties seem to be in a bunch. I have supported what they are doing. You would know that if you actually read the past blogs. What I implied is whoever said Conner just wants mommy and daddy back together may be right. Don't forget he can be a evil one, and I'm nit just talking about what he did to Christian.

    5. I support them doing the mental health but years ago they did almost the same thing on Ashley ... People deal with mental health all the time in real life . I dont think we need to have so much of it on a fictional show

    6. Alien, first of all my name is Grammy. 2nd, I was hoping to have a mature discussion with you, because I believe you have great insight with this soap, as with all of the commentators. If I offended you, I apologize and will not comment to you personally again. Enjoy your day and again, if I offended you, it was not my intent.

    7. You tell him Grammy! AP should not be commenting when he never has anything nice to say about anyone! Nobody pays much attention to AP anyways. I have noticed that for awhile.

  4. WOW both Lily and Devon were equally in the wrong.

    Looks like Jill may come to her senses and undercut Billy before he can do any real damage.

    1. Hi Allen. I agree with you to some degree, but Devon cannot get along with anyone. Even Abby had to vote against him. He has no respect for anyone who thinks for him or herself. He is argumentative, rude and so judgemental. His ego is out of this world. I wish he would have never joined Chancellor. Ever since he did, there's been problems with his attitude. He was never part of a large company that had a chain of command. He always ran his company the way he saw fit. You can't do that when you have joined with another company. And, this is not the first time he has insulted Lily and made her second guess the relationship business with her brother. Well, I can go on and on, but I thought I would ask you. How do you feel about changing the name and adding Abbot to Chancelor/Winters? What do you think about all of the other stuff I put in this little conversation? LOL

    2. Abott should not be added to that name what so ever Billy is the same way like Devon. Billy doesnt think He needs to discuss things with Jack at all , So Billy wants to blind side Jack. Instead of playing chess Bily is doing the cards to see what He can control . Jill told Billy not to tell that she was sick what does He do goes behind her back and tells not one but two people. Jill could of easily had a conference call and told everyone but she didnt. Billy is going to try to go behind Jills back then it will be too late.

    3. As for adding Abbott to the company name NO. As for Billy be a true shame if he met with a fatal "accident" .

    4. As long as they keep having peeps try to take what's Devon's I will support the character irregardless of his attitude.

    5. Yea I will support Devon in that case as well . Billy is out for himself and nothing else.

  5. I am SO not feeling this Connor story. Kill it please

    1. I agree I wish it would be over with.

    2. Agree with Conner that's 2 storyline, and there is very good chance we will have 2 more. Katie pushing Claire over the edge, and Sharon's new meds not working.

  6. Could Lily and Chance be heading for a new romance.

    1. Wouldn't that be a slap in Billy's face, so fingers crossed that it happens.

  7. ugh with showing Connor so happy then saying he attacked himself. Stop this wack story line...they are mixing up OCD with other issues and they are not doing a good job with it. Pretty much no one is buying the symptoms and making people with OCD look a lot worse off. Bad research and bad story line and bad rep for OCD. Get rid of this line please.

    1. I completely agree . They need to end it soon, and fast.

    2. I completely agree with both of you. I have never heard of OCD bei g like this. To top that off look how bad Nikki was and it was barely two weeks in rehab. Then claire with her ridiculous short stint being treated for 25 years of grooming to be a true monster.

  8. Billy didn't keep Jill secret. He told both Chelsea and Lily, Yet tells Chase he didn't tell him because Jill wanted to keep it a secret.
