Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th June 2024


  1. Bob can you please replace the show ty :)

    1. Yes, says video has been removed, thanks.

  2. Another case of Blogspot pulling the video so fast we all get whiplash.

  3. Heather the 90's called and they want the outfit back.

  4. Replies
    1. It's actually shocking someone filled her in.

  5. Tucker told Abby a long time ago may be next time she wont blow him off. Sibling war about to happen.

    1. If the Naked Airhead went off on Jackoff and Billy they wouldn't stand a chance.

    2. Jack nor Billy never mentioned a thing to Abby on;ly Tucker did. The writers could of had Billy say something to her a while back when Abby and Billy were at crismon lights but didnt smh

    3. No one in the family clued the Naked Air head in. Tucker tried to do the right thing an informed her. Billy and Jackoff were too busy Tucker bashing to actually to inform Abby or really care what was happening with Ashley. It was Tracie that made sure she had someone in the family for support.

    4. I am a ware of what people in the family did and did not do . Maybe Abby should of actually listen to Tucker for once . Tracy was all over the place trying to keep find Ashley or help keeps things together .. Diane could of even told Abby but the writers did not do that.

    5. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  6. Wait until Nate finds out Victor is the anonymous investor. I'm waiting for Audra to get her just desserts. She just does not know she just made a deal with the devil. Katy was off screen for so long. We never knew her personality, prior to showing up at age 11. We always saw Johnnie, based on the Connor storyline finding out they have the same mother and Victoria is his adoptive mother. What a mess.

  7. Damn, Tucker is leaving the show. Ugh! I don't want Audra to win and I guess she did. The actor posted his time has come to leave.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I saw that . I wish they would of had him actually do the heart attack then that way Audra would of at least felt bad maybe. Not have Him have a fake one to let Audra win at something I dont think she deserves. It was Tucker and Ashleys company not Audras

    3. Was so hoping Tucker would clue into what's going on and fill Jack in.

  8. Writer's/Producers please Don't let Tucker off the show his character brings LIFE to the show and he would be TRULY MISSED!

    1. Wholeheartedly agree he's probably the only really good think left on the show.

  9. They're not reading this though, so.........

    1. Actually the writers go through every blog. Rather they use anything in them is another story.

    2. I highly doubt writers go through blog sites fb or other sites. They dont have the time to go through all these sites that are out here on the internet.

    3. Real shame. He was the best actor on the show.

    4. I agree, the writers don't go and read the posts from us fans, but I'm sure that they have staff that do! IMHO, I'm pretty confident that many of the ideas and story lines they get are from what the fans on various blogs (like this one), facebook, etc suggest.

  10. Clare that top is not attractive and with those shorts please

    1. Looks like they wanted her to look like farmer John.

    2. They are definitely making Clare into Miss Goody 2 Shoes and trying to hard, she appears to be shown as an innocent but don’t believe there isn’t something off about her.

    3. They need to tone it down with the way they are dressing Claire have it more normal then what they are doing espically since Kyle and Claire are suppose to be getting together .

  11. Bob, could you please re-upload the episode? Thank you ❤️

  12. Doesn’t anyone realize that since Victoria isn’t Johnny’s mother, Clare is not his real sister? And where the hell is Reed?

    1. Reed is suposviely coming back . Victoria adopted Johnny. Johnny is appart of the family regardless of biological mother or not.

  13. Can't wait for Audra to get her ass kicked from Victor 😅😅...it should be fun to watch her sizzle 💥🔥🤣🤣🤣.... thank you Bob ❤️

  14. Ugh Claire is a creepy stalker going on about the kids coming home and she is super cringey and annoying. I cannot stand Claire and how she acts so sweet and innocent...she literally is evil and telling them to give Katie time to adjust...Be quiet Claire you have been around for like a month
