
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-27-24 Full episode Y&R 27th June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-27-24 Full episode Y&R 27th June 2024


  1. The blogs are saying Katie's hatred of Claire may bring out Claire's evil side. I hope so. I also would like to see katievteam up with Claire and cause massive mayhem.

  2. That's right Diane play right into VicTURD's hand.

  3. I know Diane is angling to take Jabot but you just got to ❤️ KY being raked over the coals.

  4. Diane's dress looks fantastic!

  5. I think Diane and Victor are working together. Mad about jack and nikki

  6. I actually think it's gonna be Katie's evil side, she will frame Claire and Claire will let her in thw name of Sisterhood

  7. I had to laugh when Connor said he felt bad about how much money the facility was costing them. Maybe someone should tell him just how rich this family is and maybe he'll start feeling better about himself. LOL!

  8. I think that the facility wants to bleed the Newman's deep pockets, hence The reason for keeping Connor there for as long as possible. They are doing something to that boy to make him regress..

    1. i think so too but as someone who suffered from major ocd so much that it was like an 8 hour job daily. literally i would start to do something and ocd would kick in and that was the end of that because i just couldnt do the thing right over and over and over. its horrible to have it but they are not playing it correctly as how it really is to have it and i have told them but they insist this is what happens but i have never heard of it like this and my dr said i had one of the severe cases he had and i was young too.

    2. As far as I'm concerned the show is deliberately going out of their way to over play under play mental health. Claire and Nikki both "healthy" and home way too fast. Connor's OCD being portraited worse than the worst case I have ever heard of. It like the show picks a group and deliberately misportrays them. Take women for example they went out of there way too make them look like they couldn't do anything without a man around.

    3. right i agree 100 with you. i hadn't even thought about that nicky was ready to kill herself with alcohol she went away for a week and is home just fine and claire well we know her major issues and they get her out early (must be nice to have that much money like victor) to try to get jordan to come out of hiding and once that happens claire is miraculously better and all about her new family and being a part of them.

      and on a whole different issue they keep asking her what she wants to do did they all forget she did work with nikki at newman media before it was revealed who she was so she has been to college they say and held that job but now she is all into being a kid advocate..and thats the other thing so if she has been to college and out a few years wouldn't that put her at about 24 or 25 probably and ever since she has gotten out of hospital and living with victoria they have had her dressing like a young girl would that is in middle school ..why we all seen her when she worked at newman...especially whatever she had on the day johnny and katie came home it looked like it was from the 1950's. if they are going to put her with kyle something needs to be done because for it to be believable he isn't going to give claire who looks about 12 a serious chance when he has been with summer and audra

  9. Krossbreed69, I agree with you that facility are using Conor to bleed the Newman deep pockets! Connor needs to go home and continue his treatment!

  10. wow how things change huh. diane is firing kyle the son she abandoned his whole life basically and he forgave her and now this. well again he will get the last laugh here too because he will go work with audra

    1. he may have done some things but he was right in the fact she isnt up to it and he does have anger toward her for taking his job or being given it whatever the case is but she told jack up front this would happen so now its going to cause them problems im sure but wait until the hear the is now working with audra and eventually victor that will be the payback they get. kyle is a better person when he isnt working with his dad anyway. should be interesting to see if he hooks up with audra again since she is single now and so is he although i thought they were working up to kyle being with claire

    2. KY way overstepped and got what he deserved. He has always been a whinny prepubescent entitled jackass unless he gets his way. Now as for Jack he's the original Mr. Clueless.

    3. Kyle was offered His postion back Kyle refused to take it. Kyle was in the wrong. He left when Jack told Him to step down from Marcetti . Jack told Him they could find another postion. ( He would of gotten fired in real world as well) . Mother or not she was right .

  11. the whole thing with adam and chelsea i hope so much that they don't go down that rode again when he and sally just got back together and she moved in with him and even though chelsea is with billy i don't put nothing past her really especially when she is in this vulnerable state. in her mind if she stays in that hotel room that connor is going to feel she is there and get better and want to see her. now call me crazy or whatever but no doctor is going to tell me i couldnt' see my child especially when he just tried to cut himself. not sure where or what the point of this storyline is but its really getting monotonous now. but adam is right get back home where they have things to do and others around them and the time will go quicker

  12. Pretty good episode... thank you Bob 💕
