Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-21-24 Full episode Y&R 21st June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-21-24 Full episode Y&R 21st June 2024


  1. Replies
    1. What episode I fell 😴 💤 😴 💤

    2. O, I kept fast forwarding and missed it lol .
      Those flashbacks were killing me. Why isnt mami off screen? I'd rather have Jill. At least she show'd up infrequently. Mami is messy, no business sense and no wisdom. How did she remain as the housekeeper all those years? Oops! I answered my own question. She treats Chancellor Wintors like the Abbot home where she was raising John's children; except, this is her own flesh and blood adult grown ass kin. Excuse me, y'all, but she gets on my nerves.

    3. When Mamie was originally on the show she was great, however since having her come back she's been nothing but a busy body.

  2. I hope they dont do this to all of the characters when they hit the 30 year mark

  3. i fast forwarded it. bo.....ring.

  4. Appreciate ya Bob! Y'all have a good night and be safe!

  5. Thank you Bob! I dont care for Sharon but enjoyd Nick with his parent's. It was like Joshua was thanking Melody and Eric the same time Nick talk with his paremts

    1. Of the two Sharon Case is the better performer. As for Melody and Eric BARF. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮

  6. Can’t believe we will have to see the Auntie Mamie from hell bully once again next week, sure looking forward to such a vindictive person that has no sense of business or class 🤢🤮 she’s enough to spoil a wet dream and definitely a waste of screen time 🥱😴 . Guess she is going to try to ruin the splitting off of the Winters portion of the company with her butting in once again! Her and those horrible wigs!!

  7. Thank you Bob ❤️😘
