Friday, June 7, 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-10-24 Full episode Y&R 10th June 2024

The Young and the Restless 6-10-24 Full episode Y&R 10th June 2024


  1. I fast-forwarded the last episode, I was wrong. That episode was great and this episode was great too

  2. I enjoyed Ashley's and Tucker's conversation.

  3. Tracie and Alan a sunset romance?

  4. YES YES YES it looks like the Abbott Newman war is going to start back up. Fingers, toes, arms, AND legs crossed it's as heated as it was back then.

  5. I would love it if Traci would find happiness with Alan! But only if it's really Alan~ I can just imagine a future story line where it turns out that it's not actually him....

    1. It really could be Martin. Martin would more likely hit on Tracie than Alan.

    2. So you're implying someone like Tracie couldn't end up with someone.

    3. Rewatch the episode and you will CLEARLY see Alan has on a totally different shirt than his brother. As fast as Ashley and Traci ran to the scene after the fall, I can see no possible way the brother could have changed shirts!

    4. So you want Tracie to be alone forever as well.

    5. And with the abominable abysmal writers you think a shirt matters?

  6. Glen Burnie, where are you? Miss you.

    1. PMH - I noticed that to .

    2. I've been wondering about Sarabella? I forgot how it's spelled since it's been so long. I know she had some health concerns.

    3. There was somone name Cera too I think.

    4. Neither one of those two names were ever on this blog.

  7. Victor is so unappreciative. He has no rational thinking capacity. He doesn't follow any logical thinking. He is just so disgusting and that is putting it so very mildly.

    1. Victor is one evil bastard, when is he going to retire? And someone needs to get Audra out of the picture, she is one manipulative, controlling bitch that thinks much to highly of herself. All she’s good at is bitching and opening up her legs to get her own way. She is much to jealous to be with any guy. Give it a rest Audra, you are not that important to anyone like you think you are.

    2. I agree Susie, for such a smart successful self made man, Victor Newman has no logic! He should be thanking Michael and Cole for saving his sorry ass, but instead he's demanding that they re- earn his trust. Victor is lucky that he's not in a cell right next to Jordan!!!

      Absolutly agree roseam, Audra needs to be knocked off of her high horse and run out of town!!!

    3. Roseam, what do you mean about Victor retiring? From Newman Enterprises? What would that accomplish and how does that relate to him being evil? Surely you don't mean the ACTOR playing Victor retiring, correct? Because again, how does that pertain to the CHARACTER of Victor being evil? I'm confused lol

    4. You are always confused. Your post prove that.

    5. Victor is evil . You dont have a secret dungeon and lock people up like that. Nor do you try to black mail someone because they helped a family member of yours. You dont cover up crimes . Victor did retire from the company quiet a few times . Victor thinks He can get away with everything. . As for Victor retiring from the show good look.

    6. Still doesn't take away from the FACT that you are EXTREMELY mentally ill.

    7. Still doesnt take a way from the FACT you are EXTREMELY rude to people on this blog . I can see why people have left . I wont be back for a while either congrats on your making people leave. !

  8. k-i-s-s-i-n-g Tracey and Alan sittin' in a tree!

  9. Could you please re-upload the episode Bob? Thank you ❤️

  10. I'm having doubts about Alan/Martin....If Martin fooled Ashley and Tracy before...couldn't it be possibile that Alan Is Martin?🤔 Ashley and Tucker had a very nice conversation, without any dramma, with just concern and care for each other. Audra on the other hand is such a bitch 🤬.... Getting really tired of her 😤... Thank you Bob 💕... great weekend everyone 💖

  11. Geeeez....I don't like Audra Charles's dress or her immature entitlement... "he should just give me Gilssade!"

    I'm not sure why Tucker is walking around on eggshells with Audra like he did something wrong. He's shown her the door like a hoe before, why isn't he doing that now?

    Thanks Bob, have a great weekend everyone! 😊
