Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Young and the Restless 8-1-24 Full episode Y&R 1st August 2024

The Young and the Restless 8-1-24 Full episode Y&R 1st August 2024

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  1. Summer and Chance are so boring... Poor Sharon

    1. Also, did Summer adopted Harrison? she acts like Kyle is putting Harrison in danger or something.

    2. No Summer did not Adopted Harrison. Kyle only gave Summer visitation rights .

    3. oh ok. So Summer is going for sole custody or joint custody for a child that she didn't adopt nor isn't hers.. wow

    4. Actually there hasn't been anything further on if Slumber did or didn't adopt Harrison since it was talked about way back shortly after KY went Milan.

    5. Its all over the net that Summer hasn't . That's why its speculation that Tara is coming back because of that reason right there. To put Summer in her place.

    6. What's allover the net is speculation.

    7. Im pretty sure I said it was speculation !

    8. Writers, are you reading these posts? Get Tara back and it would be the greatest story line in some time! I would just love to see Summer's face as soon as Tara came to town!!

    9. Chance and Summer are Soo boring he should of stayed with Sharon. I think they bout to bring tara back, I dont think that summer adopted harrison if she did she would of been throwing that in kyle face. She must of forgot about her role in phyllis faking being dead Chance might have to testify against her thats why kyle divorced her. Daniel tried to warn her then and she didnt listen and she not trying to listen now in custody battles kyle going bring all of that up

    10. Harrisson CAN'T be adopted because he already has a mother. You cannot adopt a child just because her mother is in jail for having stolen money of her own company. A mother doesn't lose her right on her child because of that. And for a judge to take custody away from a father, he must have done something to harm his child. Summer is NOT Harrisson's mother and unless something terrible arrived to the boy and is in a hospital or something, no judge will give her custody, she is not related by blood and if it has to be done, I'm sure Jack and Diane will be chosen to have custody. Summer is just like always, a bitch like her mother and only want revenge because she is jealous. I don't like Kyle at all but he is the father and he loves his son, there is not 1 reason for Summer to doubt that. he has the right to have a house, does she think that having visitation in a hotel room is a good thing?? Stupid idiot. Tara may have done something illegal, she has taken good care of her son and they took him away from her, she hasn't seen him, and that's totally absurd because she should have been allowed to see him. Summer wants a child, she just has to make one with Chance!

  2. NOW Slumber is going too far. Being willing to start a full Abbott / Newman war just to try and best KY.

  3. first of all summer and chance together have NO chemistry. and they're boring as heck. also, if anyone disagrees or tries to give summer advice she yells they're not supporting her. of course harrison is safe...this is all about her jealousy. it's all about her. i know she loves the kid but she acts like she's the birth mother and kyle's not the father.

  4. Did they ever do a DNA test to see if Kyle is the father of Harrison?

    1. Yes it was Kyle, Tara and Harrison. But it was done at the Abbott place.

  5. I like Chance, I like how the actor delivers his lines...I saw him as a killer in a movie and I enjoyed that too.
