Friday, July 26, 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-29-24 Full episode Y&R 29th July 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-29-24 Full episode Y&R 29th July 2024

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  1. Let's change the bame from the Young and the Restless to the Young and the Mentally ill. It's all about the koo too... not fun to watch

    1. Yes they have gone way overboard.

    2. Personaly being bipolar & having other family memebers of mine with different disorders, such as autism, I don't want to see on a show I watch daily someone struggle through the same thing. Kuddos for them to doing mentally ill but sometimes enough is enough.

    3. Yes. There are shows for that. This ain't it

    4. Not what was said. Nothing wrong with it being covered on Y&R but they have gone overboard.

    5. I was thinking the same thing. They already did Bipolar with Sharon a while back, then Connor having OCD, and Ashley with her multiple personalities. It's getting ridiculous. NO disrespect to those going through similar, and I'm all for them being "real" on soaps, but it's overkill..when it's all at once like this... just my opinion.

  2. Sharon needs help... Sally is looking fabulous

    1. Sharon really does hopefully soon before things get worse.

  3. I just think that mental illness is an on going theme in everybody's life, so it would be a misstep not to address the characters previous mental illness. All anybody talks about in these days is months is feeling like the world has gone stark raving mad...I'd rather commiserate with the characters than tune into s Pleasantville sequence everyday. I agree it's a lot but, you know "'pulled from the headlines" is part of the method of a daily series.
    Connor is interesting because both of the characters parents have beyond questionable pasts. If it's not in his DNA the character definitely was 'alive' /present during some of their dastardly deeds. I wonder if they are. aying the groundwork for a new Super Villain that's insane like Aunt Jordan or Sheila

    1. It is in an everybody's life . But to see it being played on a show constantly like that they have been doing for quiet some time now is a bit much. I know I skip through it sometimes becasue I dont want to listen to people talking about sucide or hearing about several ohter mental illness. To much sadness in the world already to continue to have a show that wants to talk about mental illness. jmo

  4. anyone else think lily will become a stalker girl with her obsession with faith?

    1. Yep I see Lucy stalking Faith .

    2. I think that Lucy is going out the same way as Cassie ... In an auto accident. Just hope that Faith is not the one who finds her drunk and decides to drive her instead of calling her parents, because that would be the end of Sharon. Straight to the Looney bin...

    3. It's Lucy not Lily, and yes most of us figured out weeks ago that most likely she is to go completely cray cray.

  5. Bob, why has video been removed? Are you going to put it back up or fix it?

  6. Bob can you add the spoilers for next week. I like to read them and see if its will actually happen or not Thanks .

  7. Hi Bob, I'm not sure why the videos are being deleted, but I'm sick on July 12th. Could you please repost? Thanks for all that you do, you're very much appreciated! 😊

  8. Thank you Bob 💕😘

  9. Bob, would you please reload todays episode of Y&R thank you

    1. did not get a chance to see todays video, please repost it BOB, thank you again for all you do, this is the only way I really get to keep up with my soaps. ANYway I hope Faith is not the one who gets hurt or ends up like Cassie if so consider Lucy and Fam done/dead, I guess theyre setting up Sharons criminal defense/ get out of jail / looney bin free card. dont mind watching spaced out sharon now and then makes me lmao. But my soaps are for me to get away to dream/fantasy land. cant dream or fantasize with all this reality check. also why are they letting Lucy hang with such a older crowd and why wouldnt her father tell her what happened with Cassie when he had such a tragic part of the reason it happened getting drunk that would help to keep me sober

  10. Could not watch today - please repost if possible. Thanks.
