Monday, July 8, 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-9-24 Full episode Y&R 9th July 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-9-24 Full episode Y&R 9th July 2024

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  1. So looks like it's the Carnival Barker's turn to use the curtains as her dress.

    1. Diane's dress looks great! Sally's dress is very unattractive!

    2. Sally's dress works for her very nicely. As for Diane she seems to be able to make anything look good. She is truly striking.

  2. Thank you Bob! Glad to see Nikki! So Diane plames Jack and Nikki friendship for Kyles actions but dosent see that she was the one Who fired him.

    1. Last time I rememeber Diane has mentioned knowing She is the one who fired Him. Personally I feel Kyle desrved to get fired. Family buisness or not. Any other person who did what Kyle has done would of been fired as well. He was the one that told her to take the job He wanted to earn the position back. She has said she would step down several times. Kyles actions are Him thinking He is entitted to evrerything.

    2. You have to be kidding. Diane said VicTURD was gong after Jack because of what Jack did for Nikki. She NEVER blamed Jack and niki fir KY's action. Isabella is correct.

  3. YayπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»...the Abbot-Newman war beginsπŸ˜†πŸ˜†..Of course Kyle Is a spoiled brat, he Is going to burn πŸ”₯...but Diane should not have fired him without talking to Jack first, she lit the bomb that 's going to blow upπŸ’₯..
    Thank you Bob πŸ’•

    1. Diane tried to get ahold of Jack and finally just had to make the call. KY lit the fuse bu his actions that blew up and are going to blowup again.

    2. Thanks Ariel! Sorry i am not always good with my words English is not my firts language. Ment just that Diane cant but all the blame on Jack.

    3. Jack was on the plane on the way home She tried to call Him. She is next in line and with that being said Diane has the authority to fire.. Kyle should of taken the job. Its all on Kyle for not taking the job.

  4. For some reason, looks like Victor is trying to turn everyone against Kyle. First he tries to get Clare to not trust him, next he told Audra about what Kyle first said, making her suspicious of his motives. What is Victor trying to pull with Kyle?

    1. Its all because He is Jack's son .. Victor is using Kyle so Kyle can be the one to try to destroy Jack. Once that is done. Victor will be done with Kyle.

  5. Really Victoria ? Claire is a Newman so she should take the name ?? Her father's last name is Howard, so she is a Howard too...

    1. yes, that was weird. why shouldn't she take her fathers' name?

  6. Hi Bob, is there an episode for July 10th? Thank you for all you do for us...

    1. Im wondering too .. It normally hasnt been this late... Thanks Bob:)
