Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-17-24 Full episode Y&R 17th July 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-17-24 Full episode Y&R 17th July 2024

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This video doesn't have the first 4 minutes. The full version will be available later.


  1. Slumber time to reach behind the bar and grab a corkscrew and plant it between KY's eyes.

  2. So it's wrong when Kyle to tell her She is not the biological mother. ( Oh Please) but its quiet alright for Nick, Phyliss and Daniel. Give it a rest Summer. Kyle can do what He wants when He wants . As for Audra . I only see her a threat in the business aspect the men want to play thats on them. It seems Summer for got to mention why they are going to paris . Phyliss needs to remember she is still on probation. She or Summer do anything to Audra She will face charges as well as Summer could def loss her rights .

    1. Ge a reality check cause KY has been nothing but a spoiled child with a case of freshly polished silver spoons sho Ed up his ass. Since its looking like Slumber did adopt Harrison yes it us out if line for KY to go there.v

    2. And look How Summer has been acting . Blogs are stating she did not adopted Harrison because Tara is still alive. She started acting this way from the kidnapping. !

  3. Phyliss talking about getting rid of Audra? this is going to get really bad

    1. I agree it will be and if something does happen and Phyliss and Summer are involved . Summer will loss what ever little rights she has.

  4. can't remember if Summer adopted Harrison or if she got rights due to the divorce. Did everybody forget (including Summer) about her roll in keeping information from the police regarding her mother. -not a good look- Instead of being so aggressive and arguing with Kyle about everything she needs to realize how its coming off - I think this has a lot to do with Claire. Another thing Daniel needs to tell Lucy about Cassie from what I see it seems like she can't wait to get drunk and party like it's 1999 lol. I mean Faith told her about her what happened when she started drinking but Lucy felt she should of gotten over that already.

    1. Summer never adopted Harison , She has visitaion rights. You can tell she is jelous of Claire from Her factial expressions. As for Audra Kyle told Summer to leave when He found out about what happened with Phyliss he had and affair. Daniel needs to tell Lucy big time . Faith doesnt seem she wants to hang out with Lucy that much. I pesonally feel Kyle had a right to tell Summer once again due to her behavior in a plublic place. jmo

    2. Phyllis and Summer "sitting in a tree!" Watch out, Audra.
      Sally, you talk too much. Adam, why not tell Jack what the "mustache" is up to? Or better yet, refuse the job offer. I will not feel sorry for you this time when you lose everything. Lucy, Faith does not want to hangout with you all summer. Your crazy grandma and mommy genes are beginning to show. This will end badly. Sharon may kidnap you because she believes you are Cassie during one of her manic episodes. 🤔

    3. They wouldn't be doing this story line if slumber hadn't adopted harison.

    4. I don't recall them saying Summer adopted Harrison. But the writers can do what they please and not have it mentioned at all. In my opinion, I find this storyline rather annoying, and a waste of time. Summer and Kyle are both acting like spoiled brats. Summer is so worried about Kyle and Harrison, what about Marchetti and Chance (even though he's on a reoccurring status)? What about spending time with her niece, who seems to be wanting to spend time with Faith although Faith does not want to? Or why not spend all this free time she apparently has and spend it with Harrison since she wasn't so keen on having Claire being the boy's nanny? The writers are idiots.

    5. Most of the blogs are stating Summer never Adopted Him. The storline is annonying . She had been to busy chasing Chance never said my son my son so many times until after the kidnapping. She failed to mention to Phyliss several things. Hopefully this is going to wrap up soon.

    6. She hasn't told Phyliss the entire truth to fit her narrative and she knows for a fact how evil her mom is and what she can/will do to help her get rid of someone....anyone! And aoptivie parent or not, there's no reason for a judge to give her primary custody over the biological father unless her and Phyliss conjure up some BS about him.

  5. Faith clearly does not want to hang out with pushy Lucy. It's like having to drag your younger sibling with you everywhere and Lucy doesn't seem to get it. She apparently cannot pick up on social cues.

    1. Probably why she lost Moses lol.

    2. Faith lost Moses because Lucy is pushy and has no clue?

  6. Thank you Bob! Missing my Nikki. Maybe Victor has her in housut arrest at the ranch

  7. Hi Bob - can you please re-post this episode? Thank you

  8. Bob, can you please reload the 16th &17th episodes mine both say that they have been removed

  9. Hello! Would it be possible for a Re-upload for the month of June? I'm missing june 6 to June 28, would love to watch them please, thank you 🙏

    1. There is a "episodes 2024" page at the top below the image of the soap characters. I added a link to a new blog to it. It has all the episodes of the first half of this year.

  10. Bob, could you please re-upload the episode? Thank you for all you do 🥰...

  11. Bob can you please reload videos! Thank You.

  12. What in the heck was that, that just flashed in front of the screens at 25:01? Was someone in the shot whilst they were shooting and the editors blurred then it?
