Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-18-24 Full episode Y&R 18th July 2024

The Young and the Restless 7-18-24 Full episode Y&R 18th July 2024

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  1. I wish Summer would just stop the whining. Audra is no threat to Harrison, she's just jealous of her and Claire. Why doesn't she just focus on Chance and grow the hell up! So many of these supposedly strong, Independent women are becoming a bunch of cry babies. It is her fault that this little boy will be dragged through the mud when everything could easily be worked out between her and Kyle. I hope Kyle and Claire end up together.

    1. I agree 100 precent. I hope Kyle and Claire do as well. Such a shame what these writers are doing to Summers Character.

    2. Summer reads from a script. It's her job to play her role according to the script. It's called acting

    3. The script they are giving her is horible .

    4. As I can't stand both characters, I just FF through this SL, Summer and Kyle are nothing but boring....

    5. That's just it though...there's nothing to be worked out between Kyle and Summer if you think about it. She sees him as much/often as she wants. WTF else is really her problem?If she thinks she can control who's going to be around his father and therefore POSSIBLY him, she's got a rude awakening upcoming!

  2. FeelLess haven't you exhausted all unemployment benefits by now!?!?!? 🤑💰💲💶

  3. Nick seems like the only one that has any sense in that family. Audra is no threat to Harrison. Nick is right when will Audra be around Harison, better yet when has she ever been around Harrison. IMO Summer is the threat atm . Thinking irriational, talking to everyone about what Kyle is doing wrong in her eyes. Being Demanding to Kyle telling Him what He can and can not do who He can be around. Phyliss now isnt helping much. Writers have ruined Summers Character JMO !

    1. Isabella, I agree but Abby has more sense by not working at NE at all. I would love to see Summer face when she finds out Victor is behind Kye and Audria working together. And would also love to see the look on Summer face think she thinks she would find Audra in bed with Kyle only to find Audra in bed with Nate. No of Kyle bad business choices effect Harrison and Harrison has already changed homes several times in his life.

    2. Amgid36 I agree with that on Abby she does seem not to want to work there I dont blame her one bit. I think she did for a short time but not long. Im suprised Nick hasnt figured out that Victor is the money bags behind all of this. Yea Summers facial expressions are a bit over the top. I don't think Kyle and Audra will be going down that road again. But never know. I also agree about Kyles bad choices have not affected harrsion Hes a happy go lucky little kid .

  4. Replies
    1. I can't stand Summer, Claire, Phyllis, or Audra. With that being said, Audra doesn't care about Kyle or Harrison, Red. So, Summer should be skeptical of "poor little Claire!" Who would trust an attempted murder, with no experience to watch their child? GMAB! Nick, Nikki, and Victoria please, shut up! Where is Reed, Vick? It's all about Claire! Adam, this is going to end badly for you. Walk away, now! You can't trust the "dark knight," period. I stand my opinions! 😠 😡

    2. A bit far fetched. When almost everyone in the Newman family have attemtped to murder someone or has . Summer, Phyliss Nick, Victor , Victroia , Nikki, Adam, Basically only leaves the kids out. Claire did save the entire family . People do seem to forget that.

  5. Adam windows can be replaced. Please take a page from Jack and shove Nikki through the window sans the chair.

  6. Both Slumber and KY need a time out. Time for grandpa Jack and grandma Diane step in and take custody of Harrison from both Slumber and KY.

  7. I'm so tired of Summer! Also I agree Nikki is a complete bitch to Adam I can't stand how she treats him. When it comes to Harrison Y&R should really explain Summer's rights like did she legally adopt him because if she didn't and Tara didn't sign her parental rights over then this Summer taking Kyle to court for full custody is a bunch of bs Josh Griffith wrote. I like Claire and Kyle together I hope it continues but also part of me hopes Claire is just putting an act on pretending to be this good girl mary Poppins and that she really has a dark side and that it is going to come back out! Also when is Claire going to be added to the Y&R opening she is on contract as well so where is she

  8. I dont like the way the writers write Nikki. All she can do is talk bad about Adam. I think same about Summer. The show is all about Harrison nowdays. Even Jonhny and Katie had scene with Harrison. But where is Chistian he is their cousin.

    1. He is in the matrix LOL last time we saw him was in 2019

  9. Go Adam, Nikki has never ever been nice with you, why would you ? Nikki can't stand that Victor had a son with Hope, she wanted to be the only one giving him a boy (she forgot she herself had one with Paul...) Nikki always lectures everybody and accuses people of being opportunistic but she should look in a mirror and remind her of the gogo dance and were she came from !

  10. Hi Bob! Would it be possible for a Re-upload for the month of June? I'm missing june 6 to June 28, would love to watch them please, thank you 🙏

  11. Hi Bob, is there an episode for 7/19/24? Thank you so much...

  12. Hi Bob - can you please repost July 18 and 19? Thank you
