
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-1-24 Full episode Y&R 1st May 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-1-24 Full episode Y&R 1st May 2024


  1. Chance you shouldn't agreed to work at Chancellors lol poor Nikki

  2. It's not even July and they are doing their own version of a Christmas Carol with Nikki.

  3. Let's remember Nikki. You have MS. You should have had an MS attack already since you are not taking care of yourself for a long time now.

    1. This is a soap opera. I hope you don't expect the writers to create a MS flare up scene. We definitely don't need that. Sorry not interested. I feel the same way about Connor, Chelsea and Adam scenes... BORING 🥱😴💤💤

    2. Y&R has and always will be at the forefront of talking about these kind of issues. It's been very helpful to a lot of people.

  4. Can we please have Trailer Trash Ashley get into a knock down drag out cat fight with the Southe Belle from Hell?

  5. Bob please upload new video. Thank you!

  6. Can't see today's episode may 1

  7. Replies
    1. In the show Devon runs a music label that actually cares about the music and artist unlike most other labels. He's worked hard to make it what it is and fights to keep it from becoming another cookie cutter label who h it would under Billy or Jill.

    2. I think of Devon who very reluctantly wanted to merge his company.. Agreed 109% AP.

  8. Thank you Bob 💕😘

  9. Writers can we please get this boring Ashley story over with, commit her and force her into therapy, the same for Nikki too. These 2 stories need to be over with instead of seeing it everyday. We really want to know what is going on with Clair, because her info of what happened to her doesn’t seem to be the truth.

    1. I agree. I think they are doing shows like this for mental health awareness month. Which is in May. They tape these shows 6 weeks ahead of air time. As far as Claire is concerened. Some are thinking Jordon hired the woman to help move Claire into the storage room . When the woman tired to leave Jordon killed the Her. Dead bodies are hard to move weather it be on a person, or not. I also feel that Claire fits right in with the Newman family. Considering all the things the Newmans have done.

    2. People are also speculating that the womans body is no other then Shelia considering Michael mentioned it to Lauren..

    3. The Bold And The Beautiful writers are leaning towards the dead body in California being a Shelia look alike and Shelia is alive and well.

  10. Abby says to Billy that it sounds like he wants Devon out. She seems shocked at the thought. Will she be as shocked when Devon makes his plan for Billy's ouster known?
    Devon saying to Chance that he didn't mind him overhearing and that he's keeping no secrets ....BULL! Why not call a meeting then? He's being as petty as Lily is right now. That ego of his is way too much for such a little man.

    1. Though Abby did call it right with Billy seeming He is on a power trip. Billy should make call a meeting. Poor chance just needs to go being a detective. Seems like He is caught in the middle of to many things.

    2. I think Devon is on a power trip. Always has been. He takes anyone disagreeing with him personally. He doesn't want to hear any of Billy's suggestions, because it's Billy.
      I agree about Chance. WTH was he thinking joining the business world?

    3. Devon is for sure on a power trip. Maybe Billy and Devon both need to leave.

    4. I don't see Billy leaving, unless he's forced out. Devon may just take his company and leave. I never understood him joining up with Chancellor in the first place. He likes total control too much.

    5. Devon knows Billy's track record and should be very concerned.

    6. I think if Devon felt this way awhile back Devon should take the His company & leave then Devon wouldnt have to deal with the potential risk of something back firing on Him.

    7. Problem is he started to but Lily and Jill did everything they needed to convince him not to.

  11. Thank you Bob! Good episode to watch after work and before going to bed. I cant wait to see more Nikki saga.

    1. After what Nikki did to the GCAC room they're going to need Sally to remodel it, and have Sally give the bill directly to Nikki.
