Friday, April 19, 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-22-24 Full episode Y&R 22nd April 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-22-24 Full episode Y&R 22nd April 2024


  1. thx Bob
    have a great weekend everyone 🌿 🌿 🌿

  2. Thanks BOB, have a nice weekend.

  3. LOVE seeing Jack and Victor playing bad cop and extremely bad cop.

  4. Nikki and Victor are both in nasty b!tch mode.😤😠

  5. Replies
    1. 👍 As irritating as an anal itch. 😂

    2. Oh come on Glen anal itch is far far far less irritating than Slumber is.

  6. Yeah ,,, uhhhh it's a big NOoooo SUMMERSPRINGFALLGirl, don't make space and dust the mantle off so quickly.
    That daytime lead actress Emmy ain't as within your reach as you're imagining! IJS 😫🙄🥴

  7. Alright StickiNicki as the saying goes the 5th times the 💎💍 charm. Go get em gem 💎

  8. Pipe down StickiNicki 😤😡😠😾!!!!!!!
    Have a seat, stop and think, have a drink 🍹🍾🍷🍸🥂
    ****ginger chamomile tea 🍵🫖

  9. Geez Victorious! How long have you known your Mother?!?!? Takes half the afternoon for you to discover she's a lil tipsy (hiccup 🥴).

  10. I can't imagine any real police investigator would let “Dave” go with that guilty expression whenever he is asked about the truck but obviously, the writers decided to make everyone unintelligent, to make Victor and his goons appear smart. The soap is really lacking in terms of intrigue and plot twist, I do hope they make it somehow interesting on the Chancellor winter side with perhaps Lily finally saying no to Devon, because as much as I resent Billy for everything he did to Adam with his expose, I think he is not so wrong about Devon's power ambition.

  11. Nikkis dosent have Claires phone number?

    1. That is odd since Claire's phone is still the one the court assigned her to keep track of her calls 📞

    2. @Alien How can the court keep track of Claire now. When one Jordan had Claire's phone. And two when Jordan is not texting someone she turns the phone off. It can't be tracked if it's not on.

    3. Not what I said nor implied. I said Nikki should of had the number.

  12. "Kyle Abbott discovers something stunning".

    It's that Summer kidnapped claire.🤣🤣🤣

  13. FYI - Meg Bennett who played VN's first wife, Julia, has died. She was 75 years old. RIP

  14. For all the mouth that Summer has had lately, she sure was quiet when Grandpa was berating Chance. She talked him into coming there, when he didn't want to. The least she could have done was stand up for him against the old man.

  15. Can you please reload 22 and 23. Thanks Bob
