Friday, April 12, 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-15-24 Full episode Y&R 15th April 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-15-24 Full episode Y&R 15th April 2024


  1. Replies
    1. Not as adorable as the original though.

    2. The originals hair was so long I actually questioned yesterday whether it was the original and he just got a haircut I guess I know the answer now

    3. Since this one can talk more, that is probably why the original was replaced, but I agree the original was cuter.

    4. He is a little cutie. His anxiety 😧, over losing his bunny, made me think of Connor and his issues. Enough already!🙄

  2. Next on As The Beds Turn: Christine ends up pushing Danny into Phyllis's bed.

  3. Oh Nikki just admit it you drank all 55 gallons.

  4. Just so ridiculous!! Jordon must be Houdini.

  5. Danny and Cricket did it on the couch in DANIEL'S place? Risky and classy. 😦

  6. Maybe Billy and Traci were in bed? Jordan is slick, we know that, but to pull this off ... is ridiculous.

  7. She supposedly followed Claire and they got upstairs past both Claire and Kyle in the main room? I think not.

  8. Since it's a soap, I guess the writers figure we are supposed to believe whatever they throw at us. A lot of the Jordan stuff is unbelievable, like where did she get money for all the disguises, a gun, hotel rooms and whatever she knocked out Claire with?

  9. I wish Christine and Danny would just leave town already. I'm so tired of them.

  10. First of all, how hard is it for Nikki and Victor to imagine that Jordan would be dressed as a man? And how in the world could she have gotten Claire and Harrison out of that house by herself without Kyle hearing anything? I know it's a soap opera, but a lot of times they insult our intelligence. Also with Danny and cricket, after everything they've been through, she needs to get over her career ego and put love first in her life.

    1. Christine made the comment that she doesn't know if she even wants her career anymore. That, right there, should have made her choice easier for her. She knows she wants to be with Danny, so DO IT!

    2. The writers do insult our intelligence, often! They also show us how intelligent, or not 👈, they are.

    3. It is not like Christine is very good at winning any cases. Seems like she hasn’t won any against Phyllis really. Looks like she wanted Danny just because Phyllis wanted him and doesn’t really love him.

    4. I can't see that being the case of a lifetime, but it is soapland after all.

      That said WOW what a way to not only implode her relationship with Danny, but also guarantee that Daniel and Heather win since she couldn't supena her way out of a paper bag full of evidence.

  11. Thank you Bob 💕... have a great weekend 😘

  12. In SoapLand it's easier, no locked doors, no security, bodyguards are in name only, prisons are made of cardboard, when there is fire, the prisoners escape, it seems that the "vilains" can fly to the second floor and kidnap 2 people and escape through the window by spreading their wings...
    the writers imagination is going down more and more each day. It's now impossible to enjoy watching this show.

  13. WOW OH WOW Miss_susi you FINALLY made a coherent statement.

  14. Thank you Bob! I like Nikkis and Jack talking.

  15. Thanks Bob for these videos! Can you please put back up the rest of April? the 16th only has 1 second too.

    1. Within two days, I will add a page with a link to a new blog with all the old episodes of 2024. The link will appear at the top below the image of the soap characters.
