Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th April 2024

The Young and the Restless 4-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th April 2024


  1. Replies
    1. Nikki goes rouge, what could possibly wrong?🙄🙄🙄

    2. I would love to see these guards "protecting" Republicans.

  2. "...normal, happy family life". 😄 Victoria to Nikki. Has she met her family? They're normal?😳
    Has Ashley picked up another personality? Southern belle?

    1. I guess Victoria thinks they are normal compared to Jordan.

    2. If she thinks that, she's not normal. Victor has done equally awful things.

  3. It might be nice to see Nikki get shot & end up with a coma situation for at keast 3 months so that she can dry out! Nikki & her 'plans'... is worse than Victor's security team!

  4. Thank you Bob! Cant wait for next week. So Jack is the only one who cant tell when Nikki is drinking. Why on earth wont Victoria stop her Mom.

  5. Kyle's really strong. If that was me, at some point my mouth would have reminded Summer that she may have adopted that boy but Kyle fathered Harrison and nobody but himself or Jack & Diane can actually scream at everyone. She is becoming very annoying with her retarded theories, she really is Phyllis' brat. Plus, I hate Jordan's character but If Victor outsmart her again and she just die like that, that would be boring. They must explore the possibility of Clair sacrificing her life for Harrison and Jordan being caught and torture by Victor.

    On the other hand, I feel sorry for Adam, I don't know if it is necessary to put Conor through all of that but I hope it helps with Adam's character development.

    1. I don't know what the situation is with Harrison, and whether Summer adopted him, or not, (you'd think that something like that would have been mentioned when it happened) but it seems like the writers want us to believe that Summer gave birth to him. Tara ... who? I get her being suspicious of Claire, but she has closed her mind to any other possibility. It is annoying. Reality will hit her soon enough.
      I feel bad for Adam, Chelsea, and Connor. Chelsea, though, needs to let Adam have a say in what happens with THEIR son. She doesn't even want to let him ask questions. He IS the father and has some rights.

    2. Bob Ni-klaus's post need to be removed for use of the ________ theories. The one word is not ever used period.

    3. @Alien: Who are you to judge what any one says on here, since you are always saying something disgusting that offends everyone else all the time. Ni-klaus can say whatever he wants on this blog. It is still a free country, and if there is any censorship here, you usually offend everyone.

    4. Roseam, it is (almost) comical, that the most offensive person that posts here, has the (little) balls to call someone else out.

  6. And HOW IN THE HECK is it possible for her to adopt a child whom already has a mother ?? That's so ridiculous, she may be in prison but Tara is not dead. She killed nobody so it's time they let her comes out and save her little boy. She never did anything wrong to her child, she loves him but they cut him of her life while he could have visit her. This is insane.

    1. The writers want us to forget that there was a Tara.

    2. Tara The Hun needs to stay in prison and never return.

    3. You are so right about that Isabella. There are quite a few others who have committed violent felonies, yet they roam free in GC.

    4. Let get a reality check cause we are talking about writers that can't write.

  7. Great job StickiNicki, take a guzzle from your flask right in view of Victorious door ring cameras.
    Hey have you ever considered working along side the Newman's security team?!?!
