Friday, August 9, 2024

The Young and the Restless 8-12-24 Full episode Y&R 12th August 2024

The Young and the Restless 8-12-24 Full episode Y&R 12th August 2024

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  1. Victor is too much -_- and Kyle and Summer are so annoying

    1. And why is Summer making this about Audra? Audra is not a threat to your "son" Summer smh

    2. Because Kyle slept with Audra after He kicked Summer out of the house . Summer doesn't like Audra. and Blogs have said Summer has adopted Harrison. So there for Yes Harrison is Her son until the Show says something different. Kyle needs to tell Summer Victor is the main guy of Glissade . So she can be pissed at Victor instead of Kyle. On another hand why talk at Crismon lights good grief.

    3. Some blogs , Some say She hasn't .

    4. You got that right til the the show says otherwise. Prime example this current bs of Slumber not knowing grandpa owns Glissade when just a couple of weeks ago she put it together.

    5. victor says 'who gave you permission to sit here?' what an arrogant person. i'd like to see someone knock him down a peg or two. and summer's an entitled, spoiled, control freak.

    6. Actually I was thinking the same thing about Phyllis when she sat down with Jack and Diane. They didn't invite her to sit down.

    7. Isabella,
      Exactly, because Kyle slept with Audra and Summer couldn't get Audra to back off Kyle when she spoke to her.

    8. Betty I felt Dinae had a right to stand up to Phyliss , I have not seen Diane talk badly about Summer to the way Phyliss was talking about Kyle. Phyliss had no right to just walk up to the table and sit down. Michael at least asked Victor is the seat taken.

    9. I was actually hoping Diane was going to reach out and bitch slap Phyllis.

    10. Isabella,
      Oh I agree. I use to like Phyllis even through all her shenanigan's, but I'm starting to loathe her. I'm not a Diane fan and never will be, but I've adjusted to her being with Jack and actually think they make a good couple. I'm glad she is defending and helping Kyle.

  2. thankyou Bob 🌿 🌿 🌿
    have a great weekend everyone 🌿

  3. I do feel Summer is being a bit unreasonable . Aurda has never been around Harrison nor has Audra been at the Abbotts place. She's also still in Paris .

    1. Isabella,
      Summer's ego was bruised when Kyle slept with Audra and she's holding a grudge. Clearly her wanting Kyle to stay away from Audra is irrational and based on jealousy. Audra has nothing to do with Harrison and has no contact with him. Maybe if Kyle had taken Harrison to Paris they would have had contact, but since that didn't happen and it's not take your son to work day, it makes no sense on Summer's part.

  4. Wait a minute. Victor kept asking Adam if he was going to take the job and when Adam finally said he would he explained to Victor he would only take it if he didn't have to do anything like just exactly what Victor is asking him to do right now. Victor agreed back then he wouldn't ask him to do that and that's why Adam took the job. So now? No mention of that agreement??

    1. That was for Jack , this one is now for Billy . He wants Adam to take Billy down.

  5. Thank you Bob πŸ’•... Have a great weekend 🌼πŸ₯°

  6. Dear Bob I am leaving town tomorrow and I was watching the 12th and in the middle it cut off and said : "Video no longer availble". Help PLZ

  7. Bob are people allowed to bring up politics on this group. Thanks just curious it being mention every so often.

    1. AP - I am wanting for my infromation only . I could care less about what You say . So maybe YOU need to grow up.
