
Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-3-24 Full episode Y&R 3rd May 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-3-24 Full episode Y&R 3rd May 2024


  1. Jack relapsed... did I miss something? what made him want to take pills again? I see Claire and Kyle getting together. Summer would not like that

    1. I honestly hope Slumber's head explodes.

    2. Jack relapsed to help save Nikki. Summer is still jealous of Claire. You can see it by the facial impressions she makes. She doesn't want Claire around Harrison at all because of being so jealous. Its going to back fire with Summer. Summer should apologize to Claire, but I don't see that happening.

  2. So OK Smiling Jack isn't faking. Just what we didn't need on top of Nikki's storyline.

  3. Can't wait for someone to discover Jordan and it blows up in VicTURD's face.

  4. I knew Victor would blame everything on Jack.
    Nicks so much better now that his hair has grown out. He looks younger.
    Oh boy! The sh!t is going to hit the fan when people find Victor lied about Jordan. Nikki wants everyone to be kind to him. lol Good luck with that!
    If Victoria is so concerned about Claire, why not call her, instead of Cole? Claire has gone from psycho Jordan to psycho Victoria. Jeez!
    Looks like the honeymoon phase may have hit a bump with Jack and Diane.

    1. Diane is same way as Summer is she is jealous of Nikki.. Nikki is needing Jack so much. Diane is going to hit the fans more now. I m not sure who is more jealous Summer or Diane .. I think Summer.

    2. I'm not a fan of Diane, but I wouldn't be happy with the Jack/Nikki situation either. Diane's unhappy about it. Victor is unhappy about it. Maybe they'll get together and 'discuss' ;) it.

    3. I wouldn't of gone as far as pills. But Jack took on the as a sponsor to help a friend .. Diane new that from the beginning. Jack maybe should of done things a bit differently. But now Jack has to pay for the repercussions

    4. I know why Jack did it, but I think Nikki was selfish in making it seem like he was the only one who could save her. She caused him a lot of stress. Now Victor is making threats.

    5. I agree on that she had family members that wanted to help.

    6. Unless a family member has been an addict of some sort they really cannot understand what Nikki is going through like Jack can, but I think him taking pills was going to far.
      I also understand Diane being upset, but she wasn't happy from the beginning when Jack agreed to be Nikki's sponsor. She was jealous of the time the 2 were spending together.

    7. Glen inconsiderate is what I would call Claire cause no note or at least a text to Victoria. That's just rude.

    8. Not buying the suggestion that only a addict or a past addict can help you break your addiction. It a phychologicsl disease so a good psychologist should be able to train a person to resist the urge to use.

    9. But not necessarily a family member.

  5. Its been assumption that Nikki's MS has been forgotten about.. Due to her drinking again so much. I bet they will bring the MS back into the picture again.

    1. The writers forgot about the MS when they had Nikki go to work at NE. She's supposed to avoid stress, so what better/wise thing to do, but go work there? Eye roll) It's not bad enough she lives with Victor? They had to double the stress. lol

    2. Right I don't think I could deal with Victor either. lol

    3. Yes it's truly amazing that EVERYONE that deals with VicTURD isn't a alcoholic or drug addit.

  6. ruh roh could this be the downfall of Jack and Diane?

    1. Look out Jack, Diane coming for your company with the reason that you are addicted to pills.

  7. Someone on another blog thinks with Jack taking the pills that this will give Diane a chance to try to take over the company. I am wondering if Billy will try to go back to Jabott if that happens. I think Kyle or Diane may try to swindell it over.

  8. Thank you Bob! Writers should have mentioned Nikkis ms. I bet you Victor did think that the ambulance was for Nikki.
    I hate when the make Victor this abusive of Nikki. That was some tough love. They even make Nikkis make up look like someboby could have hit her. When she talk to the kids. I have always loved my Niktor but Jack would be way more sensitive towards Nikki as a husband.

  9. Can't stand Summer, Claire is only a victim whom was stolen when she was a newborn, so it's ok for her pshycho mother to have "second" chance over and over but not Claire?? Harrisson has is own feelings and he can love whomever he wants! She has nothing to say in this, the boy is not her puppet, she is not protecting him she is only jealous because Harrisson really likes Claire. Stupid idiot!!

  10. For those interested a new movie with Haykey Erin Feil who plays Claire just dropped named "New Life". Also staring Sonya Walger.

    "Jess is a woman on the run, desperate to cross the Canadian border to escape her past. On her tail is Elsa, a resourceful agent whose recent life-altering diagnosis leaves her one step behind. As their chase narrows to the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, holes in Elsa's investigation begin to fill with fresh bodies."

  11. Side note to show how little attention we pay to Abby, and that is Hayley played Abby between 2008 and 2010.

    1. Darcy Rose Byrnes
      The character was introduced on November 13, 2000, as the daughter of Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) and Victor Newman (Eric Braeden). The role was portrayed by Darcy Rose Byrnes as a child until 2008, when the character was rapidly aged to a teenager, with Hayley Erin assuming the role the following year. That being stated We have seen 3 Abbys.. The one playing Abby now looks clower to Darcy .

  12. i am confused when clair got to the abbots kyle said harrison would be up shortly . the next thing he wanted clair to read him a story. that is usually done when he is going to bed.

    1. The writers are, obviously, confused too. Happens a lot. Don't try to make sense of it. Can't be done. Just go with it.
      On a side note, I see no many comment that they could write better. Maybe they could, but what would be the point of them watching , if they did? They'd be no intrigue, no surprises, good or bad. What would be the point of them watching?

    2. There's no intrigue or surprises now. They need to go back to writing prior to 2000.

    3. Some kids see someone the like they dont care what time it is to have someone read them a story jmo. Claire was suppose to read him a story before the kidnapping happen there for maybe he wanted that story to still be read.

  13. Hi Bob - Can you please re-post May 2 and 3? Thank you

  14. Video content removed, ALL EPISODES...What happened? Is this site closed down?
