Friday, May 10, 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-13-24 Full episode Y&R 13th May 2024

The Young and the Restless 5-13-24 Full episode Y&R 13th May 2024


  1. Chloe's back... I'm pretty sure Mamie is trying to get revenge on Jill

  2. thankyou Bob 🌿 🌿 🌿
    have a great weekend everyone 🌿

  3. OMG, Danny and Christine need to leave town already and Phyllis needs t give it a rest already.

  4. Thank you Bob! Boring episode thank god you can fasforward. Great weekend to everybody!

  5. It does seem odd that Jill would just take off, leaving Billy to take over for her, without a word to the other company heads. She should know that they would be suspicious and have questions. ??? If Jill can't be reached, Billy is going to have a fight on his hands. Crazy!

    1. Billy finally having enough with mommy had her plane shot down.

  6. I'm wondering if Adam and Chelsea get back together and that cures Connor and then Billy gets together with Sally.

    1. Odds are Adam and Chelsea could have been parents with no issues and Connor would of still had OCD.

      Simply no to them getting back together, and HELL FUCKIN NO to Billy Boy and Sally. Why subject her to Billy Boy.

  7. Seems suspicious that Jill would not have given Lily a heads up. Billy is a walking disaster and he doesn’t follow through with anything. He can’t keep a job or a relationship and is a total loser. Something really fishy here!!

    1. I like Billy, but I agree, there's definitely something amiss here.

  8. Since when does "traveling the world" make someone "unreachable" ??? Not since, I don't know, the last century maybe? Seriously, I can't stand when the writers make the stories completely out of the realm of even POSSIBLE reality. Jill could call, text, video chat, email, for goodness sake...

    1. BREAKING NEWS: The son of Jill Foster Abbott paid to have the commercial plane she was a passenger on shot out if the sky killing her and the other 286 passenger and crew.

  9. Oh NO! I was just about to watch when the video disapeared 😫 I hope you can fix it Bob, thank you and have a great sunday

  10. I feel bad for Connor 😢...poor boy going through do much pain 😔..... thank you Bob 💕
