
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Young and the Restless 3-7-24 Full episode Y&R 7th March 2024

The Young and the Restless 3-7-24 Full episode Y&R 7th March 2024


  1. Something is wrong with Ashley... Abby shut up

    1. The finder binder Ashley had gave her a Disassociative Identity Disorder. is what I read.. Not sure how long this is going to go on.

    2. WOF the name Sibel comes to mind.

  2. Can they not move on with the Ashely nonsecnce....

  3. Victor's great plan is going great, so far.🙄😏 I was expecting Victoria to rip into him about it.
    Tucker, show her the door, that is, if you aren't too scared of her. 😂😂😂

    1. Tucker needs to not open the door completly just have them talk with the door cracked.

  4. I wish Tucker would just show Abby the texts between him and Ashley so she can see that he isn't doing anything and that Ashley is the one wanting to see him. He should've told her that Ashley kissed him. That would've shut Abby up... maybe.

  5. Claire becomes the "new nanny" for Harrison.. Summer flips over Claire being the new nanny.. Rummor has it Kyle and Summer get into a big parenting fued.

  6. I don't know why Claire doesn't go back to working with Nikki, for the time being anyway.

    1. Glen - I am not sure but she likes Childern and from what I read she is the new nanny for harrison. Somehow. I think thats how Kyle and Claire hock up.

    2. I hate the thought of her with Kyle 🤢, unless she turns out to be evil, like her aunt. I don't know if I'd be ready for her to watch my kid. I'd need to know her head's on straight.

    3. Glen I do to she doesnt catch me as a person who dates . It will be interesting to see the nanny issue i guess.

    4. The phone she has is court monitored so I'm guessing no computers or social media.

    5. Glen I like the idea of Claire making KY think she loves Him, and just as he's about to jump naked into bed she whips out large purning shares and clips off all his family jewels.

  7. Speaking of Sheila Carter, I wonder what happened to her daughter. Now that Kimberlin Brown's role as Sheila Carter is gone - maybe her daughter will come forth and be the new villain. LOL

    1. But Wich one ? She had 3. Mary, Diane and Daisy.
      Mary went to live with her father (James Warwick), she was disgusted by what she did and wanted nothing to do with her evil mother.
      Diane was only seen once as a baby when she introduced her to her father, Massimo Marone.
      So maybe Daisy because she was in prison, as she is crazy like her mom, and she is Lucy's bio mo, yeah, that's possible.

  8. What Victor and Victoria did have campfire smores.

  9. Perhaps, I missed some details regarding the Ashley-Tucker unending drama but how on earth is Tucker even responsible for any of it, when Ashley was the one that suddenly had a change of heart after her wedding and literally accused him of being violent, something that only happened in her head? The woman is insane and she is the true antagonist here and of course people as naive and unaware as Jack and Abby would ignore that.

    On the other hand, Why was Amelia's acting so terrible today? that burst of tears at the sight of her flaming house looks so phony! For someone who won two Daytime Emmy Awards that's highly disappointing.

    1. The Naked Airhead is as whacked as mommy ASShat is.

    2. I personally still want to why the Borg Queen and daddy Mustache weren't making Smores while they watched her house burn to the ground.

  10. Why has the video been removed Bob?

  11. I read there's supposed to be a new soap in the works on CBS. It's called The Gates. It's about an affluent black family living in a gated community. I've only ever watched one soap, Y&R, so won't be watching,.

  12. Hi Bob, can you put the vdeo back please ? Thank you
