
Monday, March 25, 2024

The Young and the Restless 3-26-24 Full episode Y&R 26th March 2024

The Young and the Restless 3-26-24 Full episode Y&R 26th March 2024


  1. I wish they would stop this nonescence they are making Phyliss do..

    1. I would rather have her go back playing video games with Nick then what they are having her do now.

    2. I agree, and boy have they twisted Audra's character around. She went from someone who would pretty much do anything, and anyone, to get ahead. Now they've got her giving up her dream because she supposedly fell in love. She came to GC loving no one but herself, and power. It's all ridiculous.

    3. Yep it is Audra hasnt even looked for another job. I m like why are they doing all of these things to people on the show .. Audra , Connor Phyliss , Ashley. Who is next.

    4. Isabella,
      I agree, this Phyllis stuff is ridiculous already. Have Danny and Christine leave already on Danny's tour.

    5. Have Philly and ASShat share a padded cell. As for The Bug and Danny his tour bus needs "accidentally" back over them killing them instantly.

    6. @AP Jordan belongs in that padded cell along with Phyliss and Ashley

    7. Ashley needs help not in a padded cell such as the place they had Chelesea & Claire. Phyliss needs to concentrate on a "job if she has one" or go back to playing the video games. Phyliss is doing pranks like kids would do to get someones attention. Jordon Yes needs to stay locked up but she will escape.. this is jmo.!

    8. I like the idea of Ashley, Phyllis, and Jordan sharing the same padded cell.

  2. FeelLess are you 14 years old!?!?!

  3. Hahaa, leave it up to Y&R writers to come up with a storyline of a real fire emergency which Danny and Croquet ignore only to have one or both end up seriously injured! πŸ™„πŸ§―πŸš’πŸ‘©‍πŸš’πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    Next, FeelLess goes through the regret filled fake storyline. πŸ™„

  4. FeelLess you could or couldn't care less what Croquet and Danny are doing.
    Could Careless= πŸ‘„πŸ‘…πŸŒ­πŸ₯΅⛲
    Couldn't Careless=πŸ‘„πŸ‘…πŸŒ­πŸ₯΅⛲πŸ‘πŸ‘™πŸ”₯🐰πŸ₯°πŸ€€πŸ₯³πŸ€―πŸ’₯πŸ’‹πŸ’ͺ🀟🏌️⛷️πŸ¦ΈπŸ’ƒπŸ₯‚

  5. Don't hotels have cameras to catch people pulling the fire alarm?

    1. Betty - The Grand Phoenix had them but Idk about this hotel. They never mention the GP any more.

  6. I'm usually bothered by gratuitous sex scenes. But Danny and Cricket didn't even make me blink! There is no chemistry between them at all! They are a "snore-fest as a couple...

    1. I agree, BORING. That is why I can't wait till they leave the show for Danny's tour.

  7. you don't just wake up one day with OCD nor do you get hospitalized for it usually, this is so ridiculous to listen to.

    1. True, but in the soap world anything is possible, and nothing is impossible. lol

  8. No show on tv in my area today. A cargo ship took out a bridge. :( Lives lost. Jobs on hold. Sad situation.

    1. I havent checked my area yet but pretty sure I wont have it either.

    2. But the show is a day ahead so wouldnt we still get the one for today ?

    3. The coverage of the bridge collapse has been playing since 1:30am. It's still going on. All regular programming has been preempted.

    4. I have to wait to after 1pm to see if they will show it again.. Here they are back to the regular programs. But thanks

    5. Took out a major bridge. Luckily according to what I saw it was well before rush hour.

    6. I know, truly sad. Last I heard 6 dead.

  9. FYI if CBS is true to form they will air today's episode here I. The states between 1 and 3 am. We may or may not get a episode today cause I don't know if the show was preempted in Canada today.
