Monday, February 24, 2025

The Young and the Restless 2-25-25 Full episode Y&R 25th February 2025

The Young and the Restless 2-25-25 Full episode Y&R 25th February 2025

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  1. These actresses are good πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜‚ Sharon and Phyliss have to work together to escape

    1. Now there's an idea for a new storyline.

    2. I would agree. SAW. Sounds like Billy, too. It HAS to be Ian Ward. I've no idea who else it'd be capturing Sharon & Phyllis. I did read that it was unknown WHEN Ian Ward was going to reappear.

  2. That should go well.πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

  3. Just fill the room with quick drying cement.

  4. Had to fast forward thru most of the same old arguing between the two. But at the last, a new mysterious voice gets my attention.

  5. Hey naysayers about Sharon Case think this episode should shut you the fuck up.

  6. Saw and War Games rolled into one. "Want To Play A Game?".

  7. its ian he is the one who has them remember when he was going to the morgue he popped up in the van alive and we haven't seen him since. he has them because sharon is missing that will get to nick and no one is going to suspect ian and phyllis because of nick also and probably hoping that phyllis will kill sharon. isn't the song the one that jordan used to play to nikki when she would call her

    1. And, the "poison" that Clair prepared for Jordan was only sleeping pills, so ostensibly Jordan could've survived that drink.

    2. Ok. Watched this episode in 10 seconds flat. As I FF to the end and have zero interest in this storyline

    3. That's not the song played by Jordan for Nikki. That was some strip tease song.

  8. I watched the new soap "Gates" today and was not impressed. I know they have to introduce the characters and give their back stories, so that is what they did today. I will try a few more episodes to see if it catches my interest; so far NO.

    1. PLEASE don't discuss another soap on this specific soap page!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm watching a few more times as well. I feel its better then listening to Victer go after Jack . I think the blog owner would be the one to tell us not to discuss it or not . To each their own :)

    4. Nun they can give their opinion on the new show if they like. Some of us would like to know before deciding to way h it.

    5. Brenna,
      Thanks. I watched again today and still not feeling it. Going to watch until the end of the week and see how I feel.

  9. Did or Didn't Daniel Murder Sharon Daughter Cassie and Didn't Said Anything.

    1. @Adventure of Life No Daniel didn't murder Cassie. Daniel got drunk and Cassie decided to drive him home. They got in a car accident and Cassie died. Cassie made the decision to drive even though she didn't have a license.

  10. Sharon is soooooo right about Phyllis, the only evil person is Phyllis

  11. Actually, it reminds me more of Squid Game πŸ™...Very interesting episode... Thank you Bob πŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸ’

    1. How about Escape Room, Saw, AND Squid Game rolled into one?

    2. Now, THAT would be a great storyline πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜œ
