Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Young and the Restless 2-19-25 Full episode Y&R 19th February 2025

The Young and the Restless 2-19-25 Full episode Y&R 19th February 2025

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  1. Can they submerge VicTURD in a vat of Preparation H for day or two?

  2. OMFGawd looks like KY's balls finally dropped.

  3. Lauren is very beautiful 😍 she always slays with her outfits

  4. WOW Slumber should have slapped Daniel so hard his head pops off and lands three tables over.

  5. summer is such a brat. so entitled & immature.

  6. Summer is clearly bothered and Daniel called her on it.
    I wish Diane would just shut up.
    I knew it seemed to easy that Jack was able to snap up Glissade subsidies.

  7. Claire should drop Kyle and all the weird cousin drama. Claire and Chance should get together, and drive Summer nuts. LOL

  8. Does anybody know what Victor said to Jack and Diane as he was leaving the restaurant, I couldn't understand what he said to them. I rewound it several times and still couldn't understand him?
