Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Young and the Restless 12-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th December 2024

The Young and the Restless 12-19-24 Full episode Y&R 19th December 2024

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  1. I saw a picture of Damien and he is so handsome 🥰 I also heard that he’s going to be lily’s new man too

    1. he wasnt on bold and beautiful he used to be on days of our lives. it seems he is going to be a trouble maker

  2. too bad they didn't do a tape recording of Sharon being hymotized it would work well in court if it goes to trial.

    1. You know it's odd with Chance agreeing Nickompoop that knowing Sharon things didn't add up, but yet he's not there to be a first hand witness to the hypnosis.

  3. sharon is excited she didn't kill heather but she isn't clear she wrapped her up and dumped her in the river then did all that mess with setting up daniel she isn't free and clear by no means and why do they always give her a way out to save her when she does all these scandalous things all the time when like a baby she doesn't get her way, and it will only be a matter of time before she spins out of control next time cassies name or anniversary comes up again

    1. More times than not it's something off with Sharon's meds or she's been off her meds. In this case Jordan and Ian poisoned her meds.

    2. asblond, techniqually Sharon was haulcinating that she did those things so we may have seen her do those things but she may have not really did all those things. Yes she set Daniel up we saw that.

  4. And Victor has the worst security, and even prisons he considers top-notch can't hold Jordan. Smh...

  5. Every body said yesterday was Boeing episode but i fast forward most of this. How long we are talking about Damian and not seeing her. Phyllis i can even write about her. This innocent Sharon story drives me cracy too.

  6. Bob will the show be late tonight as well thank You for all You do for us . ?

  7. who is summer to complain? said the woman who left kyle high and dry for that spanish dude luca and now she gets jealous of claire like she did to Lola when she got with Kyle in the past

  8. Bob can you please reload today's episode of Y&R/ tia
