Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Young and the Restless 9-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th September 2024

The Young and the Restless 9-6-24 Full episode Y&R 6th September 2024

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  1. Replies
    1. All I know is that this storyline needs to finally come to an end.

    2. It's boring now.. these writers need to come up with something new. I'm tired of the mental illness storylines

    3. Been saying the storyline has gone on way to far .. Normally its 2 months , this seems longer. Being Bioplar myself .. Sharon has nailed alot off the things . I don't want to see it on a show that I like all the time.

    4. The writers need to go back to the the show was done pre 2000. Honestly any more the only reason I watch is to see how bad it can get.

  2. Did Heather adopt Lucy ? Because from what I have found she didn't .

    1. I guess when Heather was married to Daniel

    2. The question is does Loco Lucky know who her bio mommy is and thus her other bio granny?

  3. for god sakes, somebody needs to call sharons doctor and ask if she is taking meds. then ship her off to rehab cause this sharon/unbalanced scenario is dragging out way too long.

    1. They cant doctor /patient privalages. Plus the doctor really wouldnt know if the bottle is empty or not. Only would know if She is going.

    2. But looks like on previews Nick is going to have Mariah do something so maybe that will get this storyline over. Anything possible on tv.

    3. My issue is meds or no meds she's way way way off. It's ridiculous that they have the audience seeing it but not the show characters.

  4. It is a good idea for Lucy to stay away from Faith though.
    I hope Sharon doesn't get to the point where she harms Heather or Lucy. That's where it seems the writers are headed.

    1. Faith is much older than Loco Lucy so for that reason alone Lucy should stay away from faith.

  5. Bob, could you please re-upload the episode?🙏🏻 Thank you 💝🌼

  6. Sweet Clair: have you ever thought about becoming a nun? Kyle doesn't deserve another virgin! Run Clair! Run!
